Friday 9 January 2009

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Change your Eating Habits

Those who love to eat also know about the struggle to discipline yourself not to eat. You can read this advice to learn about how to change your eating habits to lose weight.

First of all, you can be assured that will power alone will not work. You need reasons to not want to engage in overeating binges or just simply eating too much. You can keep some times in mind when you are attempting to lose weight. These tips are as follows:

Do not snack on too many chips and snacks before a big meal. If you are at a gathering such as a picnic, work party, or anniversary dinner, you may not only encounter a lot of people, but quite a bit of temptation. For example, before the meal is served, you will notice there is a table full of snacks and appetizers on it. If you must snack, you may want to take one or two select items that you normally do not have the opportunity to eat and leave the rest of the every day junk food alone.

Stay as far away from the food table as much as you possibly can. If you want to visit with people, it is better to visit with them away from the food table when at a huge social even.

Keep yourself busy. If you are busy, you will not be bored and want to eat more. For instance, if you are at a gathering where there are team sports, Karaoke, or other activities you would like to participate in, you can use those to keep you busy and away from the food.

Find low fat and fat snack alternatives. If you eat low fat snacks and deserts such as baked chips (instead of fried), gelatin deserts, fruits and vegetables, frozen juice pops, and so forth, you can satisfy your sweet tooth. You can even find some low fat chocolate and cheesecake desserts out there.

Eat a nice sized breakfast. It has been a common fact for quite a long time now that those who eat breakfast are able to function better throughout the day. Not only that, but they have a tendency to be less hungry. Those who skip breakfast try to make it all up for lunch and dinner, and often times end up eating way more than they should, and the wrong types of foods. Those who are not so extremely hungry later in the day have a tendency to make wiser food choices.

Eat less fried foods. Fried foods contain oils that contain both saturated and trans fat, usually cooked in partially hydrogenated oils (butter, shortening, and some oils). If you eat fewer foods high in saturated fat, and/or trans fat, you are more likely to gain weight and have a higher body fat content. In addition, you are at greater risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart trouble, and cholesterol problems if you eat this type of food. If you want to eat healthy so you can lose weight, try to stay away from fried foods. You can often find baked or broiled alternatives of the favorite foods that you like that are not cooked in fatty oils.

Watch your portions. You may not be a person who eats that often during the day. However, you may be the kind of person that eats double the amount of portions you should eat during a meal. A serving of pasta is generally the size of your fist and a slice of meat is meant to be no thicker or wider than a deck of cards. If you follow these principles when eating you will not overeat. Also, in order to make your plate look fuller you can use smaller plates.

Avoid midnight snacks. If you want to lose weight then you should avoid eating late at night. A general rule of thumb is to not eat a huge meal after 8 o’clock at night. The exception may be if you work late. Then your whole eating schedule may be reversed. However, the general rule of thumb is to not eat to close to the time you go to bed. If you can, you should try to eat at work on break instead, or eat before you go to work, if you work late. If you work third shift try to eat a few hours before you go to bed. You burn more calories in the earlier parts of the time you are awake than you do at night while sleeping. Therefore, watch what you eat late at night.

Not only do you need to change your eating habits, but you need to exercise as well. No great dieting plan will help you lose weight by dieting alone. Not only that, but exercise helps keeps you emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy. The more exercise you get the better, but you do not have to strain yourself.

If you have any questions about what the proper diet and exercise program is for you then you can contact a doctor. Either that or you can contain a dietician or join a diet program that you know is safe. If you change your eating habits and exercising just a little bit you can lose weight at a slow steady pace of 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Saturday 18 October 2008

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat - Watch Your Portions

You can enjoy that special holiday dinner, birthday party, or work picnic where large amounts of food are set out. Furthermore, it is possible to do so without putting on any extra pounds. The following are tips that can help you in your efforts to determine portion control for how to get rid of belly fat:

Save your appetite for foods that you would not normally eat. For example, if you see large amounts of snack chips, crackers, and other foods that you can eat any time skip these. This will save room for some of your favorite casseroles, entrees, and salads that you love that you have never tried before. When you eat less of the ordinary foods you may also have room left over for a small brownie treat as well.

Do not starve yourself until the time of the event where the food is served. One common misconception is that not eating until you arrive to a brunch or dinner affair is going to make you eat fewer calories. Often times the opposite is true. Many people end up eating more at the end of the day if they have not eaten at all earlier in the day. Furthermore, eating more than once a day is easier on a body’s digestive system than if a person eats a whole day’s worth of calories in one sitting.

Watch the amount of pasta and meats you place on your plate. Generally speaking most pasta servings are the size of a medium-sized fist, and the size of a meat serving is no larger than a deck of cards. Keep this in mind to get rid of belly fatbefore you plop a half a pound of steak cut or a huge helping of spaghetti on your plate.

Use the smaller plates or other dishes. If you use smaller plates you are less likely to overindulge. The rule should be one entrée plate and one salad plate. That is usually enough to fill up anyone at a dinner party or other celebration.

These are only some of the ways that you can control portions while attending special occasions and still get rid of belly fat. You can also carry a pocket nutrition guide to put you at ease before you start eating. Also, you can plan a certain amount of calories and/or fat for this outing as well.

Either that or you can consult a dietician that you trust to lead you down the right diet road. There is no end to the availability of information to those who are serious about losing weight and keeping it off.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat And Keep It Off

If you want to lose belly fat and are frustrated about not being able to keep your weight off, rest assured you are not alone. You are only one of millions in the United States who feel just as frustrated as you are, and wonder what to do.

First of all, when you consider weight loss programs, you have to remember that they can work for you. However, there is no substitute for exercise and balanced dieting no matter which diet plan you follow.

If you are looking for a healthy diet plan to follow in order to help you with how to get rid of belly fat, you have to first examine the purpose of a few well-known diets. If the purpose of the diet you have interest in trying promotes gradual weight loss and offers balanced meal plans then you know that it is most likely a good diet to follow.

Another example of a diet that could possibly either not be effective long term or do not provide all of the nutrients your body needs are various three-day to seven-day diets. These are the type of diets in which you only eat a certain type of one or a few types of foods. Some foods that are used for these shot term diets are the grapefruit, hot dogs, read meats, and so forth. Usually this one food and a variety of other foods along with it are supposed to make up a diet that will help you lose weight.

Those who try the above mentioned temporary diets sometimes referred to as “crash diets” may lose at least a little bit of weight. However, if they have no long term diet plan after the first few days they are likely to gain all that weight they lost back. In order for a diet to be effective there needs to be a long-term diet plan.

One aspect not mentioned in this article yet about healthy dieting is that of exercise. Most healthy dieting plans also include provision for exercise, and encourage participants to plan an effective exercise programs. The purpose of exercise is to keep work your heart and muscles and to help burn fat. Exercise helps keep your body in ideal shape, or it helps it reach the ideal healthy state.

Some examples of healthy weight loss diets are the food pyramid diet, which offers meal and nutrition plans from all the food groups. The food groups of this pyramid are generally fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, grains, and fats. The USDA offers guidelines for daily food allowances and even promotes personalized food pyramid dieting. You can find a similar food pyramid on the site of Mayo as well.

how to get rid of belly fat

There are quite a few options out there for those who want to lose belly fat and keep it off. If you want to find out for yourself which one would be most effective for you remember you can call your doctor or a dietician to help you find the right plan for you. That doctor will suggest both a diet and fitness program to help improve the quality of your life.

Monday 6 October 2008

How to get rid of belly fat by burning calories

Knowing how to get rid of belly fat is hard for people to make the time to exercise the same time every day for the same amount of time. For other people regular repetitive exercises are just plain boring. The following is eight ways to burn extra calories throughout the day:

Work in the Yard or Garden: Although some activities such as weeding do not require very much energy, raking, leveling, and other gardening activities can really help you burn some calories. Many people consider gardening and yard work a hobby and find it exhilarating. If you like being outdoors you may be a person who does not mind these tasks.

Go Dancing: Dancing as an exercise is a more creative alternative to taking an aerobics class. If you have even the slightest sense of rhythm, you will enjoy getting it down at the nearest club. If you are an experienced dancer, you probably understand how fun it is to dance until you drop. If you have not done this activity for a while, then you should make a point to try it again. You can really burn calories dancing. All it would take is to dance two to three songs in a row in most cases.

If you are one of the people who find routine aerobic step exercise boring, you will love one of the above types of alternative workouts for how to lose stomach fat. You can also participate in a variety of both summer and winter sports such as volleyball, soccer, skiing, swimming, ice-skating, and hockey. These all will help pump up your blood and will help you burn calories.

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Sunday 5 October 2008

How to get rid of belly fat with rowing

One of the most useful activities that will help with how to get rid of belly fat is rowing. You can find a variety of fitness and athletic activities that use the rowing or similar techniques. The following is a list and description of some very popular and fun rowing techniques:

Canoeing: Believe it or not canoeing is not always just sitting on a calm, peaceful river drifting along carelessly. This activity takes work. You have to make sure that you are steering the boat in the right direction. Almost always, unless you are in a river with a slow steady current and not too much obstruction along its route, you usually have to row quite a bit. You also have to steer at every turn and curve of the river you are on. This can not only exercise your body but also can stimulate your mind and lead to greater health, and weight loss.

Kayaking: If you love rowing sports and you have never been kayaking, this is the sport for you. Kayaking is much like a canoe only it is smaller and designed for just one person, who sits in a small seat area. A large portion of kayaks have safety devices that hold you in case you want to be brave and try to perform a flip in which you would complete a 360 degree turn under water and then back above water again. This activity is called the kayak roll. You can use this versatile piece of equipment to help you lose pounds-way more than navigating in a motorboat!

Rowing Machines: Most weight rooms and aerobic workout centers have rowing machines in them. These can be used followed by bicycling exercises to work both your arms and legs, and well as most of your upper body. If you engage in this activity at a fast enough pace you will burn quite a bit of calories and fat.

If you have any questions about the effectiveness of any of the above rowing exercises, you can ask a health care professional for more information. You can also learn more information through a certified personal fitness trainer or ask your friends and family for more workout tips. However you choose to go about losing weight and keeping it off, you will benefit from your workout and lifestyle changes greatly.

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Wednesday 1 October 2008

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat With Motivation

One of the hardest parts of how to get rid of belly fat is staying with it. Studies show that being able to stay motivated while you are trying to lose weight is an essential success factor. It is, though, a bit easier to say you will stay motivated than to actually complete the task. There are always setbacks and bad days during the course of any program. Learning how to deal with those will help you tackle the tough times head on. What are the best ways to stay motivated during your weight loss program?

One way to stay motivated while you are trying to lose weight is to offer yourself a rewards program. People need rewards in all aspects of life. For example, we go to work so we can get a reward – a paycheck. If we get that reward, we get other rewards – homes, cars, clothes, and entertainment. This rewards style motivational program should carry over to your diet. If you meet your exercise goal all week, buy that new album you've been reading reviews of. If you stay within your calorie limits, go see a movie on Saturday afternoon (just be sure to take some dried fruit or some other healthy snack). Little rewards along the way will help keep you motivated.

Keeping your level of motivation high while you're losing body fat.

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